the mod is normally really cool on youtube, it got racing turbo charger with exploding exhaust, about gt charger that is also really epic, but the thing is it doesn't work like that for me, there are no cool exploding exhausts for me, no turbocharger sound effects, or speed ups (not sure if satsuma actually speeds up) if you ask me, yes everything is perfectly working and all the rods are tight and in place, but the mod doesn't fully work, i use racing turbo charger and do i get fast? don't think so, neither with the turbo charger having those cool effects and sounds, about gt charger, whenever i start the car, crankshaft, and many more breaks, gets damaged, and falls off, i don't know how youtubers played this mod with such perfection, but even though i'm not a guy with experts at mods i still wanted to discuss these things, overall it is a 3 star, but if it gets fixed, definitely beyond 5 ^^