This is my first ever Mod.
It adds real German sponsor logos for the "create a team" mode.
Some sponsors have 2 different versions.
For example: Saturn turns into MediaMarkt when you change from Colour to Monochrome.
Another example: In Germany we're always arguing which Spezi is the one and only. So if you don't want regular Spezi, switch to the coloured version and you get the Paulaner Spezi.
Other examples are visible in the last picture.
If you have any suggestions please let me know.
Your favourite german sponsor is missing? You can request a change: TEDi isn't fitting for a sponsor? I can change it into Hornbach for example.
Installation Guide:
Copy&Paste all the files to your F1 Manager 24 folder [Steam\steamapps\common\F1Manager2024\F1Manager24\Content\Paks]
Note: Only use this mod for the sponsors. The German Sponsors may not work with other sponsor mods in the paks folder!!!
You can support me by following @ Twitch
Have fun