Complete make over & Texture Update for Sonoma

Complete make over & Texture Update for Sonoma 1.4

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Hi Guys

Special thanks to @racinjoe013 for assisting with this update.

This update is a combination between racinjoe and myself, all credits to @racinjoe013 , I've only made adjustments to the lighting and colors.

Update details v1.4:

- New track side light poles (racinjoe)
- New score board tower lighting (racinjoe)
- General lighting around the track, tents etc (racinjoe)
- Adjusted all track night lighting/colors and intensity for good balance
- Increased and set all window night lighting


Hi guys

Big thanks to @racinjoe013 for he's assistance, track is fully lit now

Update details v1.3:

- Improved night lighting thanks to @racinjoe013 & ClimaxF1

N.B. Deactivate skins and reactivate new skins in Content Manager for new textures to show

Hi Guys

I've updated night lighting to the best I can, where there are lights track looks perfect.

Known issues:

Some light poles don't light up and do think that some windows and general lighting can be improved.

Unfortunately these changes are not my field.

***There are many talented modders here, please assist to get the lighting perfect, I'm sure the community would aprreciate it***

Update details v1.2:

- Improved night lighting

N.B. Deactivate skins and reactivate new skins in Content Manager for new textures to show

Hi Guys

Some small adjustments and corrections.

Update details v1.1:

- Corrected white and black tire wall upper textures, upscaled too
- Changed blue and yellow tire wall texture to red and white, upscaled too
- Added texture to building wall textures, upscaled too
- Improved green metal roofing texture and upscaled
- Improved brick wall textures and upscaled
- Improved window textures a bit more
- Removed some glow from selected banners
- Some banners tweaked, better colors
- Improved Welcome to Sonoma logo again

N.B. Deactivate skins and reactivate new skins in Content Manager for new textures to show


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