
CamInfo 1.9

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-when using "add" for a new file - the app will now generate 2 new sets
--1st with low cams, near the track (0.5-2m above the track)
--2nd set with cams a bit higher (3-30m above the track)
--included standalone py script does the same

-note: you might need to remove last camera, if too close to the first one on S/F
--then you must also adjust "CAMERA_COUNT=20" in the [HEADER] section on top
--and in last camera - set "OUT_POINT=1.0"

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Reactions: uberbok
-fixed saving OUT_POINT
-note that some individual cameras using a CSV spline are not detected properly, you can however use the (lower) camera slider to switch to that cam position
-fixed reading some ai-lines exported by this Blender addon
-fixed python not finding relative track folder of ac with latest CSP versions
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Reactions: Rob Pawn
-redone "add" camera button, it will hopefully behave better
-fixed being-near-existing-cam bug in free-cam
-fixed changing only first camera if more than 1 cam-file have cams in same place
-added a label with log info

-new "add" button, creates new random cameras.ini
--based on and its borders
--some parameters you can edit are in first lines of apps\python\CamInfo\, not in UI, you must reload session anyway!

-also included: python script to make cameras outside of ac, python must be installed, see first lines of "" in app folder

Note: this app is mainly to edit existing cam files, creating new ones with "add" camera (left of "del") is not "supported" :) , the new "add" for a whole new "camera.ini" is !

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Reactions: xezez
ui update only, aligned stuff, name for current cam shown in F3 mode too, functionality has not changed
-fixed saving in wrong section after first save (new file needed to to be reloaded)
-added del/add buttons for easy cam adding/removal (latest csp versions reload cameras files live)
-simplified ui (only changeble values are displayed instead of complete section from camera file)
(FOV sliders will switch to that low/high value you are changing atm, fov saved only when using "save pos/fov", like before in v1.1)
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Reactions: Fanapryde and xezez
-added saving FORWARD= and UP= parameters from current view (when using "save pos/fov")
(not 100% tested though, blindly taken from AccExtHelper Advanced)
now properly working i guess
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Reactions: xezez and Fanapryde
fixed writing to (potentially) wrong files
v0.6 removed bloat and widened file filter, tiny bit more robust when reading cam files