C13 AEGIS Post Processing Filter

C13 AEGIS Post Processing Filter 1.89 lite

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The filter gives a nice look and responds well to changing light conditions, definitely 5 stars.

My only critique would be it is very bright at certain times on certain tracks.
Thanks. I'm looking into ways to manage these outliers. If you could post the most problematic tracks into the discussion thread, I'd be grateful.
I really like it! Only thing I have to fix is ''vignette''.. I am on triple screen and playing cockpit camera its really annoying to cant see my left and right mirrors on the side monitors.. I try disable ''filmic look'' but its does not fix at all.. I'd like to use your filter with filmic look but without vignette, is there a way to do that ?
Thanks for the review, i believe we fixed this issue oven on yt. For anyone else running triples, either open the filter editor ingame or the filter ini file, and reduce vignette strength to 0.05
Might be one of the best filters to ever make it into AC.
It looks so great! One thing I noticed is Spa is a bit overexposed / too bright. Especially the white boarding next to the track and hanging over the track.
You're right, Spa is generally overexposed. I'll see what i can do, but in my testing it just seems like everything on spa is just shinier.
I'm not a big fan of ppfilters but a few classics we all know, I use to find 95% of ppfilters posted in RD are overkilling something that maybe the author lacked from Pure/Sol. This ppfilter is just the other way. You'll see here's been A LOT of work before releasing it, just the way things should always be in any dev. I'd like to thank and show my respect to Ciba1991 and eveyone involved in this ppfilter. 10/10
Hands down the best ppfilter on Racedepartment to date!
This is one of the best (if not the best, and i think it is) filters out there. Really impressed by it, everything looks much more realistic. The only thing that might be fixed is the fact that on some tracks at night time there are some spots that are too much bright because of lights
Oh so gorgeous! So realistic! Is Assetto Corsa even a sim, after this? It's beyond!

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