ButtonBox is an app for gamers to control their sim or game experience through the phone by simulating keyboard inputs. Simply attach it to your existing gaming hardware and peripherals for extra buttons and controls at your fingerprints.
Download the app here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mohammad.adib.buttonbox
Download the server here: https://github.com/MohammadAdib/ButtonBoxServer/releases
Default key bindings
How it works
ButtonBox uses UDP to connect the devices together. The app has a built in repetitive 10 second heartbeat to check for connectivity with servers. Auto-discovery is possible as both the app and server have a UDP client and server passing ack's back and forth.
For simulating key presses, a java Robot is used.
Future development
Future plans to expand this might include integration with real-time telemetry from games like Assetto Corsa
Download the app here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mohammad.adib.buttonbox
Download the server here: https://github.com/MohammadAdib/ButtonBoxServer/releases
Default key bindings
- A/B/X/Y are mapped to their respective keys (pressing them is the same as pressing those keys on your keyboard)
- The red +/- buttons are mapped to Q and W respectively
- The yellow +/- buttons are mapped to E and R respectively
- The blue +/- buttons are mapped to T and Y respectively
How it works
ButtonBox uses UDP to connect the devices together. The app has a built in repetitive 10 second heartbeat to check for connectivity with servers. Auto-discovery is possible as both the app and server have a UDP client and server passing ack's back and forth.
For simulating key presses, a java Robot is used.
Future development
Future plans to expand this might include integration with real-time telemetry from games like Assetto Corsa