Bremgarten - 1950s

Bremgarten - 1950s 1.01

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Simply amazing!
I've been hoping for a new Bremgarten for so long and this is an awesome piece of work. Thanks so much.
OMG, what a track its a masterpiece, thank you so much for all your efforts with this.
Just stunning!
It's beautiful, just... uff, someone should invent new words to describe the beauty of your work.
Congratulations David, and thank you!
A new classic!
Or is it an old classic...

Either way, it's another perfect mod.
Truly another level, this is astounding! Always top tier work from you!
I have nothing to say about this master piece of a track. I will let others find adjectives for it. What I have to say is about the cameras: Daaaamn!!! Great work!!!
Another excellent track!
True art by a true artist.
Thank you David.
Amazing work as always from Fat Alfie. Really a must have!
Hy Alfie,

this is great.
Not only the textures which had my wheel and shakers working hard,
especially on the cobblestones, but this level of lovingly presented detail is really amazing.
When going past the quarry for the first time the dirt tracks at the entry made me shout with joy ;-)
And the leaves at the track sides, I really expected to hear them swish and feel the wheels slip a little when going through.

Really love it, please help yourself to a beer.

Thanks Carsten
It's a Fat Alfie mod. What more needs to be said?
A must have!
Absolutely essential for any AC player.
One of the very best. Amazing! Thank you.
The previous version of bremgarten for AC was one of my favourite track. But, as always, Fat-Alfie has provide a quite perfect track which completely makes forget the previousous one !
Many details and a set of various corners !

But, there is one issue : In the third corner (after the granary, in the top of the hill), if you take the right part of the road, it invalidate your time. forced to stay in the left to provide a clean lap.
I don't delete a star because it will probably be fixed soon ?

Thanks for sharing your job.
Hopp Schwiiz!

A contender for the best, most detailed circuit ever released for AC. It would be clear winner, but some pesky author made tracks call 'Fonteny' and 'Feldbergring' that rival it...

The attention to detail goes beyond the graphics too, factors like the AI have been perfected too.

Solid gold.

Thanks a tonne Alfie, a cheese or chocolate donation will be heading your way!
It's a Fat-Alfie track. Enough said!
A1 - As usual! - Thanks.

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