Black Falcon #5 Pro-Am Mercedes AMG Blancpain 2018 24H Spa

Black Falcon #5 Pro-Am Mercedes AMG Blancpain 2018 24H Spa 2018-08-03

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Thank you very much, nice skin!
Bravo! If you are looking for another project: the #4 car :)
# 4 Black Falcon Skin will come but not from me :-)
Excellent work. Would it be possible to add endurance lights (as an option maybe ?)
Falcon Pack!! (:
Perfect, you want to add all falcons?
I do not know yet. Right now I'm painting the # 5 for rFactor2. Will be my first rFactor2 skin and I have to see how I get the skin into the game :-) Did you want to paint the Black Falcon?

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