Just tried this with the RSS F2022 cars at Silverstone, and I had the best F1 race in my life (combined with the RARE app)! Really well done! Any plans for doing the other tracks from the 2022 calendar? Thank you!
Ah man, I'll be honest, dug further into the coding of this stuff and I got overwhelmed and stopped :( But I feel this is the kind of thing where in a bit of time I'll suddenly get the urge to work on it again, so I do hope that. And thank you for your kind words too
Thanks for all the work you're doing! I love doing championships, but there are tracks that have terrible AI. One I can think of off hand is actk_zandvoort2021. Anyway, keep up the great work!
At this rate I’ll make a mixed pack of tracks with ai after this, since I’m getting heaps of requests I do appreciate your compliments though, means heaps
I feel you man, exactly why it’s on the list, many of the tracks have poor ai. Also many thanks for your review and the 5 stars, the support is greatly appreciated, and discord is contactable, would you need to discuss anything else
I really really appreciate your review and the 5 stars my guy If there’s a pack of the tracks I’d be more than happy to once I get the chance. Feel free to contact on discord if you have anything else to discuss.
NICE! I'm not sure if you accept requests, but If you do, could you update the Imola 2005 ai, as the default one has the cars driving really slowly in the middle of the track, on most corner exits. :(
If I get around to it at some point, absolutely. I’d make it a seperate mod, and also if you can, send a link for the track through discord, and I’ll make it once I get the chance. Also appreciate the review