Bernd's Real Life Weather

Bernd's Real Life Weather 2.1.4

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Changelog 2.1.4:

CHANGELOG version 2.1.4--

added post-1.4 weather resource extras file
added new Mid_clear sky color
added new Light_clouds weather
added new Heavy_clouds weather
added new Sundown weather
added 20 new 'mixed' cloud textures
added new resource weathers
improved A1 fog filter
improved A1 night filter
improved Clear weather
reorganized folders and file locations

Few but important changes come with this update. For starters, I have been compiling my own set of real cloud resources from photographs of my local sky--a time consuming process to turn them into game-worthy cloud files--to increase realism and immersion within Assetto Corsa, and to suit the new 1.5 circuit improvements! I've also reorganized the mod for ease of use, re-included "night" mode, "rain" track grip, etc.

In addition, I've begun work on a new "weather resource" file with mod weathers that suit the graphical changes of AC 1.4. The offerings aren't as extensive as my old pre-1.4 weather resources, but expansion of this section is planned :)

fixed Clear sky inconsistency
fixed A1 Clear multi-player issue
removed A1 Night filter
removed Sundown
improved Clear daytime sky color
improved Clear dusk sky color
improved Mid_clear daytime sky color
improved Mid_clear dusk sky color
improved cumulus cloud textures
improved cirrus cloud textures
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Changelog 2.1.2:

added A1 photo cool
added A1 photo warm
fixed unnecessary ColorCurves2.ini files

Cool filter replicates more natural desturated daylight (Google real picture of Gize Mercedes SLS at Paul Ricard for comparison)

Warm filter replicates industry standard D6500K calibration
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Changelog 2.1.1

added new cumulus cloud textures
added new cirrus cloud textures
added new cirro-cumulus cloud textures
added weathers based on experimental cloud type
improved A1 photo filter
improved mod organization
included SweetFX
included new Rain track grip file mod
changed Mid_clear daytime sky color
changed Clear twilight colors
tweaked Fog_light colors

The mod has been reorganized according to cloud type--all you have to do is select the kind of cloud style you would like to see in your sky, and open the respective folder! Inside are all the filters, 7 weathers, and cloud textures you will need. Remember to delete Kunos clouds!




Standard cumulus

Xedrox alto-cumulus
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2.1 changelog:

updated all filters to AC 1.4.3
updated heavy_fog to AC 1.4.3
updated light_fog to AC 1.4.3
updated clear to AC 1.4.3
updated mid_clear to AC 1.4.3
updated light_clouds to AC 1.4.3
updated mid_clouds to AC 1.4.3
updated heavy_clouds to AC 1.4.3
updated sundown to AC 1.4.3
added new cloud textures
improved some cumulus cloud textures

Also, "weather resources" folder has been removed until update 2.1.1, when I plan on releasing 3 parts to my mod:

1. 1.4 7 weather kit
2. pre-1.4 7 weather kit
3. pre-1.4 weather extras

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CHANGELOG version 2.0.3--

added new A1 clear filter
fixed incorrect weather folder numbers
improved 3_clear sky
improved 4_mid_clear sky
improved filter glare settings
removed SweetFX until further notice

Here are pictures of the all-new 3_clear and 4_mid_clear sky with new filter for ultimate realism!

CHANGELOG version 2.0.2--

added A1 Photo filter
added 8_sundown weather
added Twilight Sundown weather
added Twilight Storm A
added Twilight Storm B
added Storm Front H
added Fog Toscana
added Storm SPA 2
added moon texture to clear weather
improved Storm SPA 1
improved Storm Vallelunga
improved Storm Silverstone
improved 3_Clear
improved 4_Mid_Clear
improved 1_Heavy_Fog
improved 6_Mid_Clouds
improved Mid Clouds fog color
improved filter color
improved sepia tone
improved glare
improved anamorphic lighting
improved some cloud textures

As my mod stands, it works with 1.4, provided you use my filters and weathers together! Full 1.4 improvements are slow going and will go up when time allows :)
CHANGELOG version 2.0.1--

improved "clear" daytime sky color
improved "clear" dusk sky color
improved "mid clear" daytime sky color
improved A1 clear filter
changed "4_mid_clear" cloud texture


Now featuring the proper daytime blue sky for Clear and Mid Clear weather, no more ugly green-casting! 1:1 match with sunny daytime sky, checked with a Colorimeter to D6500k settings!
Changelog 2.0:

Added new "heavy fog"
added new "light fog"
added new "clear"
added new "mid clear"
added new "light clouds"
added new "mid clouds"
added filter "A1 clear"
added filter "A1 fog"
added filter "A1 night"
added filter "A1 overcast"
added Xedrox cloud textures
added Tomas Torasen cloud textures
improved Twilight evening
improved Twilight ultra
improved Storm SPA
improved Storm Front F
improved Storm Vallelunga
improved Fog Nurburgring
complete mod overhaul
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CHANGELOG version 1.5.2--

added Fog Ultra
added Storm Front G
added Sunny Rich Sunset
added Warm filters
improved Sunny Clear
improved Sunny Light Clouds
improved Sunny Mid Clouds
improved Sunny Most Clouds
improved Clear
improved Mid Clear
improved Storm Front A
improved Storm Front D
improved Twilight Night
improved Twilight Nurburgring
improved Alpem filter saturation and brightness
improved HDR ultra filter contrast
improved Xedgraf filters
improved cloud1b
improved cloud2b
improved cloud 19b

New Storm SPA based on real life pictures

Improved Storm Front C

New Storm Front G based on USA weather patterns

Improved Twilight Nurburgring to imitate night fog and moon glare

New realistic clear and mid clear sky colors

New Fog Ultra weather mode to simulate whiter Euro fog bank

Improved Storm Front A based on photos friends have sent me of English weather
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Featuring a host of improvements by @Xedrox and myself, including two new filters and Xedrox' amazing scratch made alto and contrail clouds! They are experimental, however, since Kunos does not sample clouds separately for each weather, so expect to see the "wrong" clouds for overcast weather :) But if you enjoy sunny weather most, these will definitely get you more immersion :)

CHANGELOG version 1.5--

added new mod presentation
added new filter by Xedrox
added new "clear" colorCurves coding
added new "mid clear" colorCurves coding
added new "mid clear" cloud rendering
added new "light clouds" weather look
added "dusk" to replace "pollution" weather
added resource folder containing extra weather and cloud options for the adventurous modder
added new weather "storm front F"
added new "Alpem Ultra" filter
added new "HDR Ultra" filter
bugfixed weather ini issues
bugfixed colorCurves issues
bugfixed "black sky" bug in "heavy fog" and "light fog"
downsized cloud mod from 40 to 20 textures
homologated cloud textures to reflect similar appearance and less drastic types
improved storm front B
improved storm front D
improved storm Nurburgring
improved storm Silverstone
improved storm SPA
improved twilight night
improved twilight Nurburg
changed filter "fog" to SFX for use with SweetFX

Here are some of the effects you can now achieve:
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Changelog for 1.4.1:

fixed fog_nurburg_dawn distance issue
fixed fog_mist distance issue
fixed sun darkening issues
fixed sun positioning at nurburgring gp tracks
fixed sunny_clouds_mid issue
added alternate sun position lighting.ini files
adjusted pollution smog distance and blend

Thanks to Hazardic for the checks and bug alerts :)
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Hello devoted fans, Mr. Alpem 1.4 is out! This update brings newly renamed and optimized filters, dual mod modes for the casual and extreme gamer, bugfixed weathers (until Kunos updates code), cloud and fog fixes (now cloud and fog modes have proper reflections!), redone sunny colorCurves levels, redone clouds, complete overhaul! The mod looks completely different and should result in some pretty impressive game-play and screenshots! :)

Changelog 1.4

added Storm Front SPA
added Pollution Clear
added Sunny Clear Arid
added Sunny Clear Forest
added sunlight reflections to all cloud and night modes
improved Storm Silverstone
improved all Sunny colorCurves levels
improved moon levels
improved Humid values
improved all PP filters
bugfixed all cloud textures
complete mod overhaul

Welcome to Mr. Alpem, the More Realistic And Lifelike Post-processing Effects Mod! For version 1.4, Mr. Alpem is offered in
2 versions: "basic" mod for ease of use with 4 filters, AC original 10 clouds, and 9 weather modes all of which are
direct replacements for Kunos weathers; & "full mod" with 10 filters, 35 clouds, and 33 weather modes and 9 corresponding
game files.

--just drop all files into their respective destinations, making sure to back up your original files as you go

--for the hard core fan, select some or all of the cloud textures you want to use, add the filters as in basic mode, but with weather:
1. Locate the 9 file destinations and put them in your Kunos "weather" destination
2. open the 5 files titled by their weather variations, and select which cloudy, sunny, fog, etc. suits you best using the correspond-
ing picture as a reference
3. place each weather of your choice in 1 of the 9 .ini file destinations
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For 1.3, I am splitting the mod into two sections:

1. 9 weather files for the game to read during races and online play
2. A resource file from which you choose choose the clouds and weathers you want to use for the 9 files.

This way, you can have a clutter-free game interface without 31 weathers clogging your slider bar, but you still have a massive resource bin from which to customize your own weather the way you like it to a specific location or the kind of weather that comes through your city. You may have bluish thunderstorms instead of gray; I've provided greenish, reddish, bluish, and greyish storms to suit all kinds of weather. You may have pollution in your sky, or a deeper or lighter sunny sky in your area; I've provided pollution and sunny options to help you customize weather that way.

With this "modding within a mod" I provide you the user, I hope to both simplify Mr. Alpem and give you the most control over what you see in the game. I think this resource option is better than me throwing 7 weather modes at you with no opportunity to customize :)

the Version 1.3 changelog is as follows:

added Storm Front D
added Storm Front E
added Storm Front Vallelunga
added Sunny HDR Clouds Light
added Sunny HDR Clouds Most
added Sunny HDR Humid
improved Twilight Evening
improved smog distance and blend of Pollution
improved clouds and fog in Storm Silverstone
improved cloud optimizations in sunny modes
added 35 original cloud textures
added resource options
added numbered weather folders
added new filters
improved all filter appearances
improved fps rates of filters to now give 2 additional fps
improved contrast and brightness levels more to RL
renamed all filters for convenience in pairing with weather modes
placed Alpem realism filters first for convenience

Enjoy! I hope the mod is simpler to use and helps you get the look you want for the game!
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Reactions: JustSound and siba
1.2.2 changelog:

added sunny rich hdr clear
added optional headlight file for twilight driving
changed pollution clouds cloud number
optimized SPA fog cloud skybox levels
changed sunny mid clouds cloud number
optimized sunny rich hdr cloud levels
optimized sunny light clouds
bugfixed cloud textures (further bugfixing in the works)
This update brings AC 1.2.5 compatibility. I have added experimental brighter filter values after several user requests. If the brighter values are unsatisfactory, filters will be reverted to older values. Weather modes have been improved as well. See Changelog in readme instruction file included for a full list of changes :)
Presenting Mr. Alpem 1.2 ready for Assetto Corsa changelog 1.2.4! The new graphics feature 7 new weather modes including 3 special dawn, storm, and night modes for Nurburgring Nordschleife to capture the severe rainy and foggy conditions there 24 hours a day! See the OP on the front page to view the different new weather modes.

All cloud textures have been remapped and redone, adding 13 additional cloud textures to AC's 10 provided resources. The sky will look more realistic than ever with the new patterns, ensuring greater cloud variation and some cool sights...that might just distract you from driving!

Mr. Alpem has been designed to preserve your original AC weather modes, so you may race in MP without getting the annoying mod weather bug. Just install Mr. Alpem's files without worry of having to back up your original files!

Enjoy friends!
Complete overhaul of the mod. Introducing 17 weather modes, more on the way! Featured new are a special fog for Silverstone, new night modes, reworked "Clouds Heavy," and others.

Fog Silverstone

Pollution Clear

Storm Squall B

Storm Squall C

Twilight Dusk

Twilight Night


Twilight Ozone
I've included some additional cloud textures which I added to the Kunos samples to increase the variation in the sky. Not all are the best, but they make the sky a little less boring :) You do not have to back up original files, as they do not replace the provided Kunos files.

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