Requires: Rain FX: Patreon details
Basic RainFX config for hockenheimring1988 circuit by (Team - derDumeklemmer)
Hockenheimring 1988
This is once again very basic and can be improved upon I'm sure. Especially in additional streaming edge/point zones as I dont go overboard with the streaming edges
Anyway, I hope it's of use
There is no existing config file in the extension/config/tracks/loaded folder so you need to create an extension folder
Follow instructions here for adding an extension folder
If you want to move/copy the track config from the loaded tracks folder you can;
1. Create and extension folder (all lowercase) in the track folder
2. Place or create an ext_config.ini file using Notepad or similar text editor
3. To create a save as *.ini file you need to switch the files from *.txt to *.* all files
4. Copy the rain FX text for your track and paste at the end of the existing or newly created ext_config.ini
5. Sometimes there will be other KN5 files that need to be in the extension folder for track lights etc.
6. Copy these from the yourPC:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\extension\config\tracks\loaded folder and paste in the tracks extesion folder
7. To stop AC from getting confused. You can add the following to the beginning of the ext_config.ini file for each track; Please Note from time to time configs in the tracks/loaded folder get updated so you may prefer to just have the rainfx ext_config in the track extension folder if you are not worried about a self-contained track or don't remember to check the track config on a regular basis
My Racedepartment Rainfx tracks
Help video
Basic RainFX config for hockenheimring1988 circuit by (Team - derDumeklemmer)
Hockenheimring 1988
Hockenheimring 1988
Hockenheim 1988 V1.4 presented by ==================================================== A conversion for Assetto Corsa by Team - derDumeklemmer The 1988 F1 Season was build from scratch by for rF by my old...
This is once again very basic and can be improved upon I'm sure. Especially in additional streaming edge/point zones as I dont go overboard with the streaming edges
Anyway, I hope it's of use
There is no existing config file in the extension/config/tracks/loaded folder so you need to create an extension folder
Follow instructions here for adding an extension folder
If you want to move/copy the track config from the loaded tracks folder you can;
1. Create and extension folder (all lowercase) in the track folder
2. Place or create an ext_config.ini file using Notepad or similar text editor
3. To create a save as *.ini file you need to switch the files from *.txt to *.* all files
4. Copy the rain FX text for your track and paste at the end of the existing or newly created ext_config.ini
5. Sometimes there will be other KN5 files that need to be in the extension folder for track lights etc.
6. Copy these from the yourPC:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\extension\config\tracks\loaded folder and paste in the tracks extesion folder
7. To stop AC from getting confused. You can add the following to the beginning of the ext_config.ini file for each track; Please Note from time to time configs in the tracks/loaded folder get updated so you may prefer to just have the rainfx ext_config in the track extension folder if you are not worried about a self-contained track or don't remember to check the track config on a regular basis
My Racedepartment Rainfx tracks
Help video