RainFX for San Francisco Grid by (CHiQuiFReaKy)
Track: See download file
This track does have a config file - Add this on the end of the; YourPC:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\extension\config\tracks\San_Francisco_GRiD.ini
or, if you want it self-contained - create an extension folder in the San_Francisco_GRiD track folder and save the attached file as an 'ext_config.ini' to the extension folder; YourPC:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\content\tracks\San_Francisco_GRiD\extension\ext_config.ini
Installation Help
If you want to move/copy the track config from the loaded tracks folder you can;
1. Create and extension folder (all lowercase) in the track folder
2. Place or create an ext_config.ini file using Notepad or similar text editor
3. To create a save as *.ini file you need to switch the files from *.txt to *.* all files
4. Copy the rain FX text for your track and paste at the end of the existing or newly created ext_config.ini
5. Sometimes there will be other KN5 files that need to be in the extension folder for track lights etc.
6. Copy these from the yourPC:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\extension\config\tracks\loaded folder and paste in the tracks extesion folder
7. To stop AC from getting confused. You can add the following to the beginning of the ext_config.ini file for each track;
Please Note: from time to time, configs in the tracks/loaded folder get updated so you may prefer to just have the rainfx as an ext_config in the track extension folder if you are not worried about a self-contained track or don't remember to check the track config on a regular basis
Track: See download file
This track does have a config file - Add this on the end of the; YourPC:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\extension\config\tracks\San_Francisco_GRiD.ini
or, if you want it self-contained - create an extension folder in the San_Francisco_GRiD track folder and save the attached file as an 'ext_config.ini' to the extension folder; YourPC:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\content\tracks\San_Francisco_GRiD\extension\ext_config.ini
Installation Help
If you want to move/copy the track config from the loaded tracks folder you can;
1. Create and extension folder (all lowercase) in the track folder
2. Place or create an ext_config.ini file using Notepad or similar text editor
3. To create a save as *.ini file you need to switch the files from *.txt to *.* all files
4. Copy the rain FX text for your track and paste at the end of the existing or newly created ext_config.ini
5. Sometimes there will be other KN5 files that need to be in the extension folder for track lights etc.
6. Copy these from the yourPC:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\assettocorsa\extension\config\tracks\loaded folder and paste in the tracks extesion folder
7. To stop AC from getting confused. You can add the following to the beginning of the ext_config.ini file for each track;
Please Note: from time to time, configs in the tracks/loaded folder get updated so you may prefer to just have the rainfx as an ext_config in the track extension folder if you are not worried about a self-contained track or don't remember to check the track config on a regular basis