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Automobilista 2 Auto Director AMS2 Auto Director V1.0

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Hi All,
This is a simplified Auto director that does not rely on Simhub, and uses UDP or Shared Memory.
It tracks the smallest gap and the rate of change, selecting those most likely to be racing to be in view.
It now has customisable Race Position bonus.
It now has customisable camera dwell.
Usage is simple,
  • Start the Auto director,
  • Select UDP or Shared memory.
  • Select UDP port if selected.
  • Enter Camera Dwell time.
  • Enter Race Position Bonus.
  • Click on a racer, in AMS2 leaderboard
  • Press space to start Auto directing.
Let me know how you go!
Hi All,
This is a simplified Auto director that does not rely on Simhub.
It tracks the smallest gap and the rate of change, selecting those most likely to be racing to be in view.
Usage is simple, Start the Auto director, click on a racer, then press space to start Auto directing.
Let me know how you go!
Overlay updates with UDP driven Leaderboard and Time, I found the map from this to work really well too.
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Hotfix for Leader text

  • Added Camera Hog feature to share the camera around.
  • Added flick to leader if no small gap
  • Added Pit Lane Penalty
  • Added Camera Boost at changeover to new driver.
Overlays should now always show driver in view
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Some quality improvements, space pauses camera keypresses, Esc quits nicely, slight boost for leaders 0.02 of a second added per position, in a field of 26 that's 0.52 seconds gap penalty for those at the back
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Small bug fix for choosing correct driver in view.
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Bug Fixes for vehicles in Pits and or quit from game.
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I've taken a different direction with this and discovered that simhub can get useful data in Replays, Spectator and Broadcasters modes when switched to UDP.
This means that we cant use gary swallows excellent plugin however as it doesn't work in that mode.

What we have now is an Auto director that works in race mode only (for now) for Replays, Spectator and Broadcasters.

It's driven by the simhub overlay. The simhub overlay gets the data from the streamers AMS2 and we use the OBS browser option of simhub to get the overlays into the stream. I was helped with the GFX (as thats not my thing ) by @Scotty_g of CASS Thanks Mate

The python script (it's really a script glued together as an .exe) reads invisible text from the overlay to determine which racer to show, and opens a chrome instance of the overlay, reads it, and presses up, down and enter on your system to change cameras.

It targets the smallest gap to view.
Example of use here:

Hi All,
Attached is proof of concept AMS2 Auto DirectorV0.2 running in Simhub, now has none race sessions and a rudimentary control dash.
There are limited keyboard commands available, Up, down, enter for drivers, u to change across to cameras, left right, enter for camera type. Thats it.
It can not work in spectator mode as no telemetry is available in that mode.

Auto Director has some basic rules.
In Race:
  • Smallest gap is the most dominant
  • It wont show you in the pits unless you enter with the camera on you cos pits are boring
  • It has a small bias for leading cars
  • It wont change camera if the next change is within 1 of the current camera, it's jarring and it's the same battle
Practice, Qualifying, Warmup:
  • Speed Score, points deducted for going slower than 15kph
  • Lap Valid check, points deducted for invalid lap
  • Personal Sector times 1,2,3. Points added if faster than Personal best
  • Global Sector times 1,2,3.Lots of Points added if faster than session best
  • It has a small bias for leading cars
Changing cameras is very jarring, so I'm still not doing it yet

To Install:
  • Import the dash into simhub
  • Install AutoHotKey (to press the keys)
  • Install SimHub - TV Style Side & Scrolling Leaderboards + Timings SideScreen (it uses Gary's excellent plugin for the gaps between racers)
  • Place the AutohotKey scripts in C:\Program Files (x86)\SimHub\ShellMacros
  • Place the AMS_Score.JS in C:\Program Files (x86)\SimHub\JavascriptExtensions
To Operate:
It can not work in spectator mode as no telemetry is available in that mode. Must be a racer who retires.

  • Start AMS2
  • Run a race
  • Start the race
  • Retire to pit box
  • Monitor race
  • Run simhub dash
  • Click driver 1 and leave the game in focus

Enjoy Auto Director!


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