Autodrom Most ( chicane and no chicane )

Autodrom Most ( chicane and no chicane ) 1.1

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Track is nice to drive but there are two issues with it. One is mainly the very bumpy road since its very low-poly which is quite a pain to drive on. The other is that we noticed in a race that multiple drivers did not had their lap be valid putting them a lap down cause the game didn't register it as finished. The problem seems to be that when a driver goes off in certain areas of the track by even a tiny bit the game doesn't register the checkpoint so the lap doesn't count. This makes the track useless for league-racing but for hotlaps its quite ok.
Good track CZ. Thanks.
Hey its really good but can you please transfer it to rfactor 2 please? thanks ;)
Great! Thanks!
Thank you very much for making this circuit, perfect.
THX :)
Good conversion but the track does not correspond to reality in some places.
See my comparison:
Zdar, super srovnávačka. Dělal jsem co se dalo. Ještě nějaké ůpravy budou. :)
Prosim pri kazdom update je dobre updatovat vzdy aj surfaces.ini
Ide o to, ze tento sa kontroluje pri pripajani na server. Teraz sa na server dostane clovek aj s verziou 1.0 aj s verziou 1.1 . Takze sa pripoji so starou verziou a nevie ze je nova. Ak bude aj updatovany surfaces tak ho to po pripojeni so starou verziou vykopne...
mrknu na to. nebylo teď moc času.
Diky za ty cedule, ale chtelo by to jeste udelat zmenu v surfaces.ini, aby to server mohl kontrolovat ;) Ted se jde pripojit na stejny server s obemi verzemi teze trate ;)
mrknu na to :)
Doesn't seem too much effort put into this one. The low poly road is terrible and the blurry textures make everything at a distance hard to spot. Try again soon
great track, it just needs some graphical improvements to round it off
Always liked this track so thank you for bringing it here. Colours are too dark for my taste hence only four stars.
An average MOD but the layout is very enjoyable.
Very nice update , love this track , top , now whe need a good set of replays , more near the car , ist to far from the car.....thanks a lot!!
NI-CE !!!
Konecne to nekdo dotahl aspon k tomu pouziti v multiplayeru :)
jezdit se to da, ale co je potreba jeste urcite odstranit a to pekne prosim co mozna nejdrive, jsou ty betonove ukazatele metru do zatacky. Pri mensi strkanici neni problem v jednom z nich skoncit :)
Vdrž opravím o víkendu :)
Great job! Thanks!!!
Super, konečně parádní verze mého domácího autodromu :) Ještě je třeba upravit pár sekcí, kde to dle mne až moc hopsá..ale to se jistě vychytá

Finally, good version of my home track :)
Ist a very good conversation! I´m 2-3 time in Most per year, and the feeling is very good compared to real version. But I think at some track sections it is a bit too bumpy. I hope that this will be fixed.
What a fun track ! I recommend with touring cars. Thanks a lot.
It is a fun circuit to drive with some great work done,not sure about the hills in the background or the bumpiness though and thats why i have deducted a star.