Kfz-Kennzeichen (Österreich)
54 x Austrian number plates to replace Kunos or other plates that are 1024 x 256.
Usual format, copy the Plate_NM.dds and the Plate_D.dds into your desired skin within the Skin folder of your car. These will replace the Kunos plates so you may want to save the Kunos plates in a seperate folder first.
Austrian plates are not uniform in format with the exception of the first letter which indicates the district or town/city they are from. Some plates can be found with different font types similar to and sometimes the same as the German style( Alte DIN 1451 Mittelschrift or GL-Nummernschild-eng) and the new Eurofont.
These will add some variety to the range of plates on your cars.
Also check out the other plates I have posted, Italian, French, German. British and Moroccan.
Thanks for using these plates.