This is an Audi livery for your F1 2022 MyTeam.
Modular Mods [BASE FILES] Required
- Install Modular Mods [BASE FILES]
- When you extract all files in the .rar folder, there is 1 folder named ''F1 22'' -- follow the pathway and copy-paste the ''achievements.assetgroup'' file there, this is to make sure the pitcrew/garagecrew Modular mod works.
- Drag the rest of the files into ''_ACTIVE'' of Modular Mods folder.
- Enjoy.
See updates for all latest information on the mod, it also contains extra photos from each update that makes up the full package.
If I notice any abnormalities I will update the car accordingly. As of right now this works with the most up to date version of F1 2022 and all its patches.
- Steering Wheel Design
Driver Suit / Caps / Gloves / BootsPit & Race crewPit GantryMonitors
If you have any issues or suggestions, please make sure to add it to discussion and not as a review so that we can actually have a proper conversation.
I can also be found on the AMO Mods Discord as ''Boasy''