I am happy to have this map rather than not at all and while I respect that this is a mod and you as the creator are free to do with it as you will; I am also entitled to state my opinion.
I believe it'd be better for you to focus on making it feel like the original Gran Turismo map and personally I don't like the liberties taken with the other version. SSR5 is very clearly based on Japanese express routes and yet you make it all Spanish/Mexican with graffiti everywhere and fast food ads. I think if you made a different map with that sort of aesthetic it would be fine but people want the Gran Turismo map feel, not some halfway house between Tokyo and god knows where else.
Sorry for the criticism but it is just how it makes me feel. Other than that, obvious we need the feeling of being in a city either through the background or with buildings and lights being added in. The ideal version to base it on is GT3 or GT4 imo and I believe they had dashed lines for lanes. Using assets as a reference will be good for making this map as immersive as possible and while the road itself is quite good, the actual feel of the map is sterile and empty.