Arnos Circuit Europeen

Arnos Circuit Europeen 0.95

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This a a fun track, I like it a lot. But there is a problem, that needs a warning. You can drive out of the track to emptyness and when that happens, you wheel might start to turn violently. I have Fanatec DD1 and my wheel keeps spinning around fast until I can close AC. I don't have a kill switch, but now I realize I should have...
Wow! What a fun track! Man!
I had to contribute with a set of camtool!
Amazing job, keep up the good work!
Thanks for sharing for free!
Thank you very much for your contribution. I hope you enjoy this track.
Thanks, great track
I like your track: it's a nice effort, really. I'm not giving you a 5* review because you used some fantasy and some curves are not correct (at all). I'm a driver and I do drive on that track. I'm also working on a track of Pau-Arnos (definitively not the reason why I gave you 3*), and my version is for sure not so nice as yours ! (good job you did) :-) The reason I'm working on that track, is that I haven't found an AC track of Pau-Arnos which is usable for practising the real track... Anyway, keep up the good work !!! If you don't mind ;-) , I'll will follow your progress !!

Hi Thierry so we both drove on this magnificent circuit. Can you tell me which sections do not correspond to the real circuit. I try to reproduce at best this circuit that I could not find anywhere for AC. I need your feedback to advance this project with Race Track Builder. thank you for your attention.
It's good already but I think it has 10 grid spots and not 20?there is a problem with that..
Yes thank you this is a point that I will correct. my mistake
Good work. A few more improvements and it will be perfect. Some elements are missing, the men-pacifier, the pitstop, the cameras, a better definition of the grass, etc ... That said, the layout is faithful to the real circuit. Good luck for the rest and thank you for that.
Félicitations, merci
Merci pour votre retour je vais peaufiner tout ça. j'ai utilisé uniquement ce que me proposait le logiciel Race Track Builder. Je dois travailler les textures et l'herbe 3D.
Very good - thanks! Although you have added some landscape around the track it still feels a little like it's on an island floating in space - maybe some distant hills/mountains would help to 'ground' it a little more? Also a Grass FX config to add some proper 3D grass would help improve the look too.
Great work though, it's a lovely track and a pleasure to drive - many thanks.
thank you for your review. when you drive on this circuit the environment is the same as the one you can see. you can watch on-board cameras on youtube. I will work on the 3d grass for a better rendering and on the cameras too
Excellent work, thank you for bringing this real track to AC. I had no idea a track in France had a mini "corkscrew". So 5 stars, not because it is perfect, but because discovering a new track in VR is such a pleasure in AC.
Thank you for your comment. this circuit is the little Laguna Seca in the south of france

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