**Read Instructions **
1. replace your current "yotube" folder with mine (from the download link on the top of the page).
your folder should be in "..\assettocorsa\extension\lua\cars\android_auto\apps\.." named "youtube"
2. download latest "yt-dlp.exe" .
3. put it in the same folder as LUA script (..\assettocorsa\extension\lua\cars\android_auto\apps\youtube\youtube) .
4. in the new "youtube.lua", Replace the path with your correct path of the yt-dlp.exe .
1. replace your current "yotube" folder with mine (from the download link on the top of the page).
your folder should be in "..\assettocorsa\extension\lua\cars\android_auto\apps\.." named "youtube"
2. download latest "yt-dlp.exe" .
3. put it in the same folder as LUA script (..\assettocorsa\extension\lua\cars\android_auto\apps\youtube\youtube) .
4. in the new "youtube.lua", Replace the path with your correct path of the yt-dlp.exe .
local remoteExe = 'D:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\assettocorsa\\extension\\lua\\cars\\android_auto\\apps\\youtube\\yt-dlp.exe'