(Algarve_AMS_V1.04.7z) MD5 = FB830CDE5840B7843D106E0B1C8C8A7B
A maintenance update for Portimao to bring the AI up to the latest AMS standards. The pit wall engineer boxes have been replaced to reduce the z-fighting problems with these objects. Tweaks to the sun blending angles. Tweaks to the lighting colors. New loading screens and mini maps.
Special note :
It should be possible to overwrite an old version with this update.
However if you have any loading errors be sure to remove any previous versions of Algarve from your locations folder before installing this version.
Some microscopic fixes for shadows and marshal huts, in a full track package download.
If you update from a previous version the "Update1.mas" is no longer used and can be deleted from the Algarve folder.
Optimize the VisGroups, Gain a bit of performance at lower track detail levels.
Attempt to solve blue text in DynHUD, better but still a problem.
Revised horizon with improved lighting.
LOD increase to some objects to improve rear view.
Add "- Summer" to the UI menu.
Gravel is deeper and a little more "sticky"
Some corrections and optimizations to materials and vertex colors.
You need to have v1.0 installed then over write with the v1.01 update.
The v1.0 download can be found in the "Version History" tab.