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Ahvenisto 1.0

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good track , but...
- No map
- On practice mode, the first lap time (going out from pits) is not good :always hot lap.
- In race mod, some AI are stopped on the first turn
Thanks for the feedback!
There's a map app for creating a map (by recording a lap) for any track
I have not tried it though. (I recommend following the rubbered-in racing line and braking zones when first learning an unknown track)

I think the "first lap timing problem" may be caused by Ahvenisto having strange pit placement; the start finish line is not with the pits.
In fact I never had time to verify if the AI actually can make it to the pits either.

As of the problems with AI, I also noticed the AI having some problems with full grid with some cars. It seems to depend on car choice how many AI you can succesfully get going from the start. I've been able to get 30 running pretty okay so far every time (but have not extensively tested with every car combo :)

Ps, problems with realtime delta timing appear to be because of figure-of-eight layout... this track is strange in many ways! :D

Very fun , perfect for hotlap ! Thanks a lot !
wow thank you sir amazing track ;)
Great stuff! Looks awesome, only tarmac is a bit overexposed on some areas. Is this scratch made?
very nice track
Excellent track thank you :)
Amazing track and great quality, just ¡AWESOME!
Siistiä! Lisää Suomi-ratoja. Or. Nice! More Finnish tracks :)
This came out of nowhere - wonderful work!
Lovely track
Masterpiece!!! congratulations and thank you very much
Very nice - good job! :)
Feels very realistic! The left hander towards uphill, near the pit exit, comes a bit late IMO. Overall this is a great work! Thank you very much!
Yes that is probably true, you have a very good eye! :D
Looks amazing! Thank you.

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