AF Corse IMSA 2024

AF Corse IMSA 2024 7.0

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dont really mind the bad logos, but the overall look of your skins is 2015 level.
Sorry i have to say it. But especialy the #21 is cringeworthy. Very low detailed and very bad cut out logos, logos that are mirrored. My tip when you search for logos on Google, use the tool it presents you the biggest resolution logos on top. Keep learning!
Thanks for the honest review
Looks great!
Great stuff, but don't you think posting in game pics would be better? Since in game your liveries always look a bunch better than the rather flat looking CSP previews!
Cool idea, as I will do a 24 laps of Daytona race with these cars, I will make a couple of photos and I will post them here
#47 Cetilar is quite OK, but #21 is definitely to change and correct... 3/5 and keep pushing :)
Thanks for the honest review!!!!!
Btw, it's funny that you say that because personally I think that the #21 is better than the #47 haha
I'm sorry but the skins are not well made.
Hi, i'm going to say the same as I said to Paul, but i'm going to add 1 thing, where do you see that I can improve?
I don't know how you could do such a mess, it's not even a question of having put in the effort, the livery is inaccurate in almost every point, there is no attention to detail, there is no point in sharing such a job when what you are offering is far below the standards a replica should have.

Non so come si faccia a realizzare un lavoro del genere, non è nemmeno un discorso di averci messo impegno, la livrea è inaccurata in quasi tutti i punti, non c'è attenzione ai dettagli, non ha senso condividere un lavoro del genere quando ciò che offri è molto al di sotto degli standard che dovrebbe avere una replica.
I'm sad that you didn't like the car, but I appreciate that you were honest.
Thanks anyway
bel lavoro, ma come dici tu, quella della stagione passata e' meglio
L'unica cosa che mi piace più della precedente è la bandiera italiana al centro.
he bacc

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