Wanted to create Gran Turismo feel for Asseto Corsa with 3d trees. Basically now complete thanks to Morisan77 and Ludwig6666 for doing other tracks. Along with other 3d trees user to who have helped contribute to other tracks which you will find by searching 3d trees in search bar.
PLEASE READ OTHERWISE WONT WORK: Copy and Paste Extension folder to track and overwrite.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This has over 20,000 3D Trees. So depending on hardware just give it a go. Had to stop planting near the end as didn't wan to lose performance or destroy the game. Also, my car flipped over when i was near the end.
Please Leave Review as new to Modding and want to get as much feedback as possible. Also want as many people to enjoy this as possible and finally bring GT7 to PC
Tree models: My First Creation with Treeit as no one has created snow trees.
Wanted to create Gran Turismo feel for Asseto Corsa with 3d trees. Basically now complete thanks to Morisan77 and Ludwig6666 for doing other tracks. Along with other 3d trees user to who have helped contribute to other tracks which you will find by searching 3d trees in search bar.
PLEASE READ OTHERWISE WONT WORK: Copy and Paste Extension folder to track and overwrite.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This has over 20,000 3D Trees. So depending on hardware just give it a go. Had to stop planting near the end as didn't wan to lose performance or destroy the game. Also, my car flipped over when i was near the end.
Please Leave Review as new to Modding and want to get as much feedback as possible. Also want as many people to enjoy this as possible and finally bring GT7 to PC
Tree models: My First Creation with Treeit as no one has created snow trees.