This skin is mostly accurate to that of its real life counterpart. Main references were taken from the spotter guide as well as photos from Risi's Instagram page. There are a few discrepancies between this and the real car that i had issues working around, as this is only my second skin. That being said, I feel the car is still a faithful recreation of its real life counterpart.SMALL ADJUSTMENTS
This skin is for the FSR 296 GT3, which came with a few small things i felt needed a tweak. In the folder included an ext_config that alters the headlights and the AUX lights. Headlights should now have more range than before, and the AUX lights for the grill and banner are now red instead of blue. If you aren't a fan of the AUX lights, feel free to paste this piece of code into the config file. Be sure to remove the existing code.
For those of you who may feel like it could be better, i left the XCF files for the banner and the car in there for anyone who wants to edit them to their liking. Its not perfect, but its better than having to start from 0.
I may adjust this skin depending factors like real world events, errors in the skin, and suggestions.