2 in 1 - Ultra grip & Improved Dirty Air For More Battles Combined

2 in 1 - Ultra grip & Improved Dirty Air For More Battles Combined 1.0.0

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This is a combination of these 2 mods made by StrongestFish
( https://www.racedepartment.com/members/strongestfish.296050/ )

It combine Ultra Grip & Car Stability mod, and the Improved Dirty Air mod made by him. Links for each mod separated are linked below :

So, what and why this combination ?

Improved Dirty Air : Basically it makes you battle a lot more, it gives an intense moment of action and fights, for me, it makes every GP a lot more epic than in the vanilla game.
Ultra Grip : Well what it does is quite simple to understand, it basically gives you an extra grip on the corners.

So you got it, you will fight a lot more, especially in the corners going at 4 wides sometimes. (You'll see it in Bahrein for exemple)

All credits goes to StrongestFish, all I just did was combined his 2 mods as they are godlike merged together.

Latest reviews

Love your mods, mate!
These are good mods, I think :D
Oh sure thing they are, even better when merged :p

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File size
190.1 MB
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5.00 star(s) 2 ratings