RD Rally Club - Snowy Gr.N-ew Year @ Norway - 4th to 7th Jan 2024

Ole Marius Myrvold

JWB 96-13
Club Staff

Pictures taken outside of my apartment the 1st and 2nd of January. And now... there will be -20 and colder for some days!
The puns are getting worse and worse for the rally-names. The new year brought a lot of snow in the area of Norway I live. So... New year and Group N starts with the same letter. R4 and Rally... same letter. Snow. Norway. Rally-idea born! My mind is that simple... hah!

Session Open: 4th of January 23:54 GMT to 7th of January 23:54GMT
Cars: NR4/R4
Shakedown & 45 Min Service *Pinky Pro Tip: Do 1 Shakedown run to get 1 extra set of tyres!*
Fyresdal - Morning - Clear - 5.4km
SS2: Kottkjønn - Morning - Clear - 6.6km
Service - 45 Min
Fyresvatn - Morning - Clear - 17.1km
SS4: Hengeltjønn - Afternoon - Clear - 31.8km
Service - 45 Min
Bergsøytjønn - Afternoon - Clear - 7.3km
SS6: Dagtrolltjønn - Afternoon - Clear - 9.3km
Service - 45 Min
: Fordol - Dusk - Clear - 6.1km

Assists & Tuning: Allowed
Hardcore Damage: On!

Have fun! :thumbsup:

To participate in the event, you must join our WRC-game Rally Club.
You can also read more about the Rally Club here.
wow, that middle section with the 17k and then the epic stage is amazing. The attention these chaps have put into the maps! Wastebins lined up for collection next to a house? First a single bird then a flock breaking through foliage? Yellowish grass sticking out of the snow? Amazing.
That said, I had two two wheel moments and two offs in the epic stage, Mitsubishi looked just a wee dented afterwards, ...


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The attention these chaps have put into the maps! Wastebins lined up for collection next to a house? First a single bird then a flock breaking through foliage? Yellowish grass sticking out of the snow?

This sounds like me in rFactor 2, when I start paying attention to properly working scoring pylons/towers. The light in the houses a bit away from the track during nighttime etc. etc. etc.

I don't have the ability to focus on such things and driving when it comes to rally! :roflmao:
all stages done, picked up an unnecessary 20 secs for staying too long in final service, I somehow thought there was another longish stage ... Still: A brilliant rally, thx for putting it together, Ole, and thx to all participants, especially the survivors ;)



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